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São Paulo government receives delegation from Shandong province
Release time:2023-10-12
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On 9 October, the vice-governor of São Paulo, Felício Ramuth, received a Chinese delegation led by the vice-governor of Shandong province, Li Wei. The meeting took place at the Palácio dos Bandeirantes and aimed to strengthen relations between the province and the state of São Paulo.

Among the topics discussed at the meeting were investment and co-operation opportunities between São Paulo and Shandong, the promotion of green economy projects and public security.

Felício Ramuth took the opportunity to present the state's investment portfolio. "Today, São Paulo has an audacious project of concessions, PPPs and privatisations. Our industry is very complete and developed, and we have already received many investments from Chinese companies," said the deputy governor.

Li Wei, vice-governor of Shandong, brought three key agendas for the province: updating a co-operation agreement between Shandong and São Paulo, mutual co-operation in green economy projects and cyber security.

(Source: Brasil em Folhas)